Posted in desserts, dogs, humor, pastries, pets, stuffed animals, Valentine's Day

Dog Day Afternoon ~ Myth or Reality?

I hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day!

My beloved dog, Schnoodel, turned seven. We celebrated her birthday with an off leash romp and party at the park.

Before the party, we visited the market and eyed the pastry selection, made by the store’s in house European bakery. Since it was Schnoodel’s special day, I asked what she would like for a treat.

Without a moment’s paws, she replied, “Woof woof, bow wow wow, bark bark,” which in Bichon translated into “A slice of Princess Torte, please.”

After playing catch for what seemed like hours, it was time to focus on more serious matters: eating.

Schnoodel sat on the picnic table between me and my boyfriend. She listened appreciatively to our “happy birthday to you” duet.

She watched as I unwrapped her cake. Of course, I gave her first dibs. She nibbled at the pink marzipan and licked the layer of cream, but then she refused the rest.

She said she was stuffed already.



I am a rather obscure 14th C. poet, whose work has been translated into over thirty dialects of gibberish. I now spend my days translating from the gibberish into English and back again, as need be.

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