Posted in artisan food, chocolate desserts, construction, humor, layers, walking, weather

A Multi-Layered Story

When I moved to a new habitat nearly thirty years ago, the first thing I learned was to dress in layers. In my new habitat, if it started out cold, it could get warmer, then cooler, then warm. And even if it was a hot day, chances were that by evening, the temperature would drop anywhere from ten to forty degrees. So after getting stuck too many times without a jacket, I began carrying one with me, along with a light sweater.

With all the new construction going on, buildings were also adding layers. One such building near me. I had to see its wooden frame every day. I wanted different scenery.

Eye candy, so to speak. Wearing four layers, I went into the city because I had read about a ten-layer chocolate cake. I had been taking a break from chocolate. However, when I found out about this cake, I decided to take a break from my break. This was no ordinary cake; it was spiced with many different flavors. I couldn’t wait to try it.

When it arrived, colorful rose petals and pistachios decorated the top, along with salt crystals. The cake tasted overly salty. The chocolate wasn’t that chocolaty, and the taste of the spices didn’t come through. I did like the crunch of pistachios and the excellent cream cheese ice cream that accompanied the cake.

After indulging, I needed to dissipate the intensity of the layers coursing through my layered self, so I walked four miles to my next destination. Not at all difficult. Some might call it a cakewalk.