Posted in Awards, Liebster, New Blogs

Liebster Award Nomination!!




April started off with much excitement. I arrived home to find out that the wonderful Tori in Victoria had nominated me for the Liebster Award. A million thanks to her!

This Award carries with it more responsibility than I am used to in my life.

To accept the award nomination you must

1) thank your nominator and link back to that person

2) state 11 random facts about yourself

3) answer your nominator’s questions

4) nominate 11 nominees whose blogs are new, obscure, have under 400 followers.

5) provide 11 questions for nominees to answer.

6) Notify your nominees.

7) Show the Liebster Badge on your blog.

Random Facts About Myself

1) I once memorized a joke book.

2) I love playing Crazy Eights.

3) I taught myself to skim read when I was nine.

4) I can memorize a sequence of numbers ten or more digits long.

5) The two states I’ve lived in the longest both begin with C.

6) I had a brief stint as a stand up comic.

7) I am living happily without a TV, cell phone, iPad/tablet, iPod.

8) I have played or studied classical piano and guitar, recorder, S. Indian drums, Javanese Gamelan, steel drums, W. African drums, xylopipes, and Native American flute.

9) I strive to go to sleep before midnight, but it rarely happens.

10) I write letters with stationery, envelope, stamps, stickers, and rubber stamps.

11) I love ginger and cinnamon.

Tori’s Questions:

1. Why did you create your blog? When did you start it?

I started my blog in July ’14. I had been blogging on Red Room, but when it got gobbled up by Wattpad, I decided I needed a different blogging platform. I created it because I like to tell funny stories about the things I experience.

2. Other than reading, blogging, and watching tv, how do you fill your time?

I don’t have a TV, so rarely view it.
I enjoy gallivanting and searching for new pastries to eat.
I like playing music, photographing the world as it passes by, and drawing wildly.

3. As pleased as you are about this nomination, do you wish I hadn’t nominated you? Go ahead. Be honest. This award is a lot of work.

I’m glad you did. It’s exciting!

4. Has blogging created a community around you that you never expected? Or are you a [wo]man on an island surrounded by a sea of blog posts?

I do feel a sense of community. It’s fun to be on wordpress. I have found a lot of great blogs to read and people to connect with.

5. Can you list all 50 states alphabetically?

Sadly, no.

6. My blog is directly related to my day job—what do you do for a living? Is it reflected in your blog?


7. Quick decision: Friends or Seinfeld?

Neither. I don’t watch TV.

8. Are you a roadtripper? Do you use maps or just go where the road takes you? Where was your last adventure?

My boyfriend and I visited the sea otters in Monterey.

9. How do you spend your Sundays?

I like to bike.

10. Can you juggle?

yes. 3 balls with 2 hands or 2 balls with one.

11. What is the one saying your grandparents always said that stuck with you?

My grandmother always said, “May everything good you can imagine happen to you.”

My Questions for my nominees:

What is your favorite book quote?

Any pets or pet peeves?

What have you taught yourself to do?

What was the last item you misplaced?

Favorite dessert?

What do you do for fun?

Any cooking mishaps?

What is your favorite breakfast?

What do you look forward to doing when you wake up?

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

What is your favorite seasoning?

My nominees:


Enjoy! Congratulations, Nominees! Thanks again to Tori in Victoria!!


I am a rather obscure 14th C. poet, whose work has been translated into over thirty dialects of gibberish. I now spend my days translating from the gibberish into English and back again, as need be.

7 thoughts on “Liebster Award Nomination!!

  1. Cheers for reading for leisure time and writing real letters; I second the above sentiment. Hurrah for music and art, cycling, taking pictures, too! Lively profile of a lively person!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Eva for nominating me! Sorry!! I am not worthy of the Liebster award! It’s a lot for me to chew on. You’re the second person to nominate me and I have not gotten around to fulfilling my obligation to the first nominator. I hope I eventually get used to the idea 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me for this award, Eva. This is such a terrific honour. I thought I had sent back a reply but the Grinch probably ate it because he’s such a jealous swine since he didn’t get nominated. I will have to decline at this time but I really, really appreciate your nominating me. . .Thank you so much for including me amongst such an illustrious group of bloggers. . . 🙂


  4. Hi Eva! I’ve just found this post! Thanks so much for playing along. I would love to be living happily without all of my electronics, but I don’t think I could!


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